Our Company Mission is to help customers maximise the amount of good they do in the world and one of our core Company Values is Compassion. This mission and value intrinsically link to our commitment to Human Rights, to Employee Rights and to our opposition to Slavery and Human Trafficking.
Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms, such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking, all of which have in common the deprivation of a person's liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain.
We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in our business dealings and relationships and are committed to preventing modern slavery in our own business and to helping prevent modern slavery in our supply chain.
On reviewing our risk of modern slavery in our operation, we have again had no reports of any incident in our supply chain (or of any human trafficking offence). We have not had to take any action (termination of contract or otherwise) against any supplier because of the findings of the modern slavery questionnaire or otherwise in relation to modern slavery in this past year.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the UK's Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Key Travel’s Modern Slavery statement for the financial year ending 30 September 2024 and has been approved by the Board of Directors.
Organisational Structure
Key Travel Limited is a travel management company registered in the UK and is exclusively dedicated to humanitarian, academic and faith-based organisations in the not for profit sector. We have presence in 9 countries through a mixture of physical offices and homeworkers and serve 5,000+ customers in over 40 countries in North America, Europe, Africa and Asia.
Supply Chains
Due to the nature of our business, we assess ourselves to have a low risk of modern slavery within our partners and supply chains which primarily consist of:
- Global airlines
- Global hotel chains
- Global Distribution Systems providers.
- Technology platform providers (payroll, expense, intranet, HR, accounting, marketing platforms)
- Suppliers of stationery
- Office services (cleaning contractors etc)
- IT equipment supplies and maintenance suppliers
Due Diligence Processes
All those working for the Group, or on our behalf, in any capacity, including contractors, external consultants, agencies, third-party representatives, and business partners/suppliers (“Third Parties”) are required to complete our Modern Slavery Act Due Diligence Questionnaire, along with our other due diligence checks to ensure they fully adhere to our standards and commitments.
Our Modern-slavery policy is shared with all Third Parties and requires written confirmation that the policy has been read and fully understood and will be complied with.
Employees at all levels, directors, officers, agency workers, seconded workers, volunteers, interns and agents (“Group Staff”) are required to adhere to our modern slavery policy and avoid any activity that might lead to, or suggest, a breach of this policy. A copy of our policy is sent to all those mentioned, and we require signed confirmation that this policy, along with our other policies has been read and understood. This process is audited as part of our ISO 14001 certification.
We have clear reporting guidelines and expectations for any Group Staff or Third Parties who may believe or suspect a breach has occurred and will fully investigate all reports received.
Any Group Staff or Third Parties who breach our policy may face disciplinary action or termination of our business relationship.
Key policies we have in place to ensure we meet our commitments to modern slavery and human trafficking and which support recognised human-rights principles are:
- Modern Slavery policy
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Business Partner Code of Conduct
- Whistleblowing
- Employee Code of Conduct
- Diversity, Equality & Inclusion Policy
All policies are reviewed annually.
Risk assessment and management
We ensure that we continue to have robust processes and policies in place to:
- Prevent, detect and report any incidence of modern slavery in any part of our organisation or supply chain.
- Maximise employee awareness by providing training and publishing this policy on our intranet and requiring all staff to confirm in writing they have read and understood the policy.
- Ensure our modern slavery policy is provided to all new suppliers / business partners for review and written agreement.
- Publish our modern slavery statement on our website.
- Share our modern slavery statement annually with all employees
- Protect whistle-blowers
We provide annual training on modern slavery to all members of staff. The training is underlined by our Modern Slavery statement and anti-slavery policy. The training undertaken ensures Key Travel staff:
- Understand what modern slavery is.
- Have an increased awareness.
- Can identify the signs of modern slavery.
- Are able to report any suspected incidences.
Monitoring effectiveness of steps in place
- We ensure our standard procurement contract terms and conditions include references to modern slavery and human trafficking
- We have an annual review of all policies and commitments to ensure they have been met
Key performance indicators
- Annual completion rates of staff returning the modern slavery policy signed agreement to confirm the policy has been understood
- Quarterly report of any investigated report of incidence of modern slavery in any part of our organisation or supply chain.
Prohibition of Child Labour and Forced Compulsory Labour
We are committed to upholding and safeguarding human rights. We understand and recognise the importance of preventing all forms of modern slavery, including child labour and forced or compulsory labour, within our operations and supply chain. We believe that a proactive, transparent, and collaborative approach is crucial in eliminating these grave human rights violations. Through this policy and our Business Partner Code of Conduct, we urge our stakeholders, colleagues, and suppliers to report any concerns related to potential breaches of this policy.
Child Labour
We categorically prohibit the use of child labour in any stage of our operations or supply chain. We abide by the standards set by the International Labour Organisation's (ILO) conventions and the UK's legal requirements pertaining to the minimum age of employment.
Force or Compulsory Labour
Forced or compulsory labour is a violation of fundamental human rights. Key Travel will not tolerate, engage in, or support the use of forced or compulsory labour in any form. We ensure that all our colleagues have the freedom of movement, are not subjected to any form of physical or psychological coercion, and are free to leave their employment after giving reasonable notice. We also expect our suppliers and partners to adhere to these standards.
Signed: Saad Hammad, Chief Executive Officer